RIP Bushwhacker Butch

At 78 years old, he had as much energy and passion as any guest we’ve had.

That’s not hyperbole. Anyone that listened to our episode with Bushwhacker Butch could hear it. The man LOVED life. And what an incredible life he lived.

On Monday night Butch’s daughter Kirt reached out to us with the devastating news that her dad had passed away.

Butch had traveled to Wrestlecon in the US to sign autographs and promote his book, but suffered a medical event and passed away in the ICU a few days later.

In the desperate sadness of the passing of a Kiwi legend, there were two nuggets of comfort.

Kirt said the nurse that was looking after him loved watching Butch from the Philippines.

And Bushwhacker Luke was right beside him, holding his hand to the very end. After 50 years of togetherness, Butch’s story ended with so much love in the room.

Those two themes speak to Butch’s legacy. He was universally loved, by fans all over the world, a reputation garnished over a 36-year career of making people smile. And he did it all with his best mate. Butch and Luke, together forever.

When the opportunity was presented to have Butch on Between Two Beers in December, we couldn't believe our luck, but didn’t know what we were in for.

"But he’s 78 right? Will he be able to do a long-form pod?"

"What’s his memory going to be like?"

Well...within the first minute we knew none of that was going to be an issue.

The man was a hurricane of fun; with wild anecdotes, a remarkable memory, and a loud, proud patriotism to New Zealand. From Hulk Hogan to Andre the Giant, performing for 96,000 fans at Wembley, The Sheepherders, Vince McMahon, Dwayne the Rock Johnson (and his dad and grandad)…Butch's life was a movie.

And the feedback was remarkable. Fans LOVED Butch. They loved his story-telling, the life he lived, and the character he was on and off the screen.

We feel incredibly honored to have been able to capture a conversation with a Kiwi icon that can be enjoyed by friends, fans, and family for years to come.

Butch’s energy was infectious and his life was legendary.

It’s been a sad week, but a life to be celebrated.

Rest in peace Butch.


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